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조리되지 않은 육류와 에션셜 오일 조합, HPP 처리 후 맛, 질감 변화
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조리되지 않은 육류와 에션셜 오일 조합, HPP 처리 후 맛, 질감 변화 Adding essential oils to uncooked meat could counter the negative effects of HPP on texture, color .
조리되지 않은 육류와 에션셜 오일 조합, HPP 처리 후 맛, 질감 변화

High pressure processing has quickly become a pasteurization technique of choice within the growing fresh segment, and while it can effectively improve the safety and shelf life of a wide range of products from juices to chilled ready-to-eat meals, uncooked meat has largely been left out – until now.


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